北京禮德國際學院辯論賽: 科技是我們的未來嗎?上周五,
北京禮德國際學院高一年級的學生們圍繞著-“Is technology the future” 這個主題展開了一場精彩的辯論賽。這場辯論賽由禮德模聯小組發起,并參與正反方辯論的引導和支持環節。其他學生們則分為正反兩方,各方包含四個辯手和提供場內信息支持的成員。
所有老師和教學支持團隊觀摩了整場辯論賽。辯論過程十分精彩,正反兩隊展開了激烈的辯論,終幫助正方取得勝利的關鍵論據是來自辯手Flora的發言。科技是未來,因為你不能阻止它-- 它終究會發生!
On Friday afternoon ILA pupils participated in a debate titled ‘Is technology the future?’. It was run by the MUN (Model United Nations) students who also provided support and guidance to both teams. All senior pupils who were not in MUN were divided into two teams-one team taking the ‘for’ and the other team the ‘against’. There were four speakers for each team and each team had their support team who helped with research and information before and during the debate.
It was a great debate and all teachers and support staff were present in the audience. Two of the staff were the judges. The arguments were fierce and strong for both teams but the crucial argument that won the debate for the ‘for’ team was their statement delivered by Flora’ Technology is the future because you cannot stop it -it will happen!’
Both teams performed well and their debating skills are improving with each debate. The staff were very impressed with their increasing confidence in English and the standard of evidence produced in the debate. We are all looking forward to the next whole school debating contest.
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