In order to secure the enrolment of a new student, at least 1 term’s tuition fee (30%) must be paid within one week of an acceptance offer from International Leadership Academy Beijing (the “School”). Payment is not refundable or transferrable if the student decides not to join the school. If the student is commencing after the start of term, the equivalent of one term must still be paid, the balance being credited to the following term’s fee.
2017/2018 Fee Structures and Policies | 收費政策
1、Application Fee | 報名費
A non-refundable non-transferable application fee of RMB 1,000 must be paid for each application.
2、Tuition Fee | 學費
The tuition fee covers the cost of school trips and stationaries related to the delivery of the curriculum. The cost of the majority of the extra-curricular activities is also covered in the tuition fee.
Students continuing from the Foundation Year into Year 2 are required to pay 20% of the full fees by 30th April, 2017. The full balance of the school fees must be settled by 1st June, 2017.
Parents must accept full responsibility to ensure that tuition fees are paid in full before their child may begin classes at the School regardless of whether the tuition fee is paid by the parents or the employer of one of the parents.
3、Textbooks | 書費
Textbooks given to students during the Foundation Year are on loan and remain the property of the school. Students are expected to maintain the original condition of textbooks in their care and should return textbooks to the school at the end of the course or upon withdrawing from the school. Students in exam years (Years 2 & 3) are expected to purchase textbooks.
4、Payment Schedule and Methods | 支付時間和方式
Following acceptance of the offer to take up a place at International Leadership Academy Beijing, an invoice for the full fee will be issued by the School’s Finance Department. Fee payments should be made within 30 days of the receipt of the invoice or by the due date of the invoice whichever is earlier. Please quote the Account Code and student’s name when a bank transfer is made.
Payments can be made in RMB by cheque (local bank) or bank transfer. Please quote Account Code and student’s name when you make the payment.
With the exception of the RMB 1,000 application fee, the School will not accept cash payments on site.
5、Late Payment | 逾期付款
If the parent does not pay fees or charges due to the School on time, a late payment charge at 2% per month will be made.
An administration charge of RMB500 will be imposed for the first late payment reminder issued by school and a further RMB1,000 if the School issues a second or subsequent reminder. However, this administration charge will not apply if arrangements for late payment have been made with the School prior to the deadline for payment of the relevant fees or charge.
6、Afternoon Activities and Individual Music Lessons | 課外活動和音樂課
The cost of activities is included in the tuition fee except for specialist activities for which there is an additional charge. Individual instrumental music lessons are subject to an extra charge and payable in advance before commencement of the lessons.
7、School Lunches and Snacks | 午餐和點心
One hot lunch and one hot supper is available for all full day students and snacks are available for all students. The cost of the school meals for the Academic Year 2017/2018 is RMB9,500. All students are expected to eat the lunch provided by the school.
8、Uniforms | 校服
A uniform as defined by the school Uniform Code must be purchased before a student can attend school.
9、EAL Fees | 周六課程(EAL)費用
Students who need further language support will be required to take additional classes.
Additional charges may be levied for students who require further English language support both during and after the normal school day.
10、Expeditions | 拓展活動
All students will attend one whole school expedition per year for which they will be charged. Please note that all costs which relate to international travel (e.g. university visits) are the parent’s responsibility to pay.
11、Examinations | 考試
Separate fees are charged for the cost of external Public Examinations such A-Levels, AP, SAT, IELTS and TOEFL. Internal examinations are not charged.
A-Levels, AP, SAT, IELTS 和 TOEFL等外部公開考試將另行收費,內(nèi)部考試不收費。
12、Withdrawal | 退款
A term’s written notice must be given before a student is withdrawn from the school. If a student is withdrawn from school without a term’s notice, any balance of fees will not be refunded.
For parents eligible for a refund of tuition fees, this will only be made after the return of the Official Tax Receipt (Fapiao) issued by school. The refund will only be made after the return of the receipt issued by school together with a leaver’s form.
13、Cancelling Acceptance | 取消接收學院名額
Parents of new students, scheduled to start at the beginning of the school year but who have decided to withdraw, will forfeit the equivalent of Term 1’s fee. Any balance remaining will be refunded.
14、Discounts | 折扣
The school has a tuition discount of 2% for families who pay their tuition fee in one instalment.
15、Scholarships | 獎學金
Scholarships are available for some students on entry to the school and are merit based. This means they are required to sit additional tests and provide a portfolio which demonstrates that they are outstanding in a particular area of their school and/or personal life. Students who win scholarships are expected to be role models to other students; to support other students; and to be available to represent the school in external events such as educational exhibitions and competitions. Application forms are available from the Admissions office.