


時間:2016-12-02 11:36來源:北京BISS國際學校


IB Diploma Programme

  The IB Diploma Programme is a challenging two-year pre-university curriculum, primarily aimed at students aged 16 to 19. It leads to a qualification that is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities.
  IB文憑項目是一個具有挑戰性的為期兩年的大學預科課程,主要針對16歲至19歲的學生。 它會導致資格所公認的世界領先的大學。
  Students learn more than a body of knowledge. The Diploma Programme prepares students for university and encourages them to:
  學生學習知識。 文憑項目準備學生為大學,并鼓勵它們:
  ask challenging questions
  learn how to learn
  develop a strong sense of their own identity and culture
  develop the ability to communicate with and understand people from other countries and cultures. 
  The curriculum contains six subject groups together with the DP core: creativity, activity, service (CAS); the extended essay (EE); and theory of knowledge (TOK). This is illustrated by the Diploma Programme model below:
  課程包含6個學科組一起DP核心:創造力、活動、服務(CAS);擴展的文章(EE);和理論知識(托托)。 這是說明了文憑項目模型如下:


  Candidates for the diploma study six subjects selected from the subject groups. Normally three subjects are studied at higher level, and the remaining three subjects are studied at standard level. All three parts of the core—extended essay, theory of knowledge and creativity, action, service—are compulsory and are central to the philosophy of the Diploma Programme.
  候選人文憑學習六個學科從主題中選擇組。 通常三個科目是在更高層次學習,剩下的三個主題是研究在標準水平。 core-extended文章的所有三個部分,理論知識和創造力,行動,服務是強制性的和哲學的核心是文憑課程。
  The extended essay has a prescribed limit of 4,000 words. It offers the opportunity to investigate a topic of individual interest, and acquaints students with the independent research and writing skills expected at university.
  擴展的文章有4000字的限制規定。 它提供了機會調查主題的個人興趣,并讓學生了解大學獨立研究和寫作技巧。
  The interdisciplinary theory of knowledge course is designed to provide coherence by exploring the nature of knowledge across disciplines, encouraging an appreciation of other perspectives.
  Participation in the CAS programme encourages candidates to be involved in artistic pursuits, sports, and community service work. The programme fosters students’ awareness and appreciation of life beyond the academic arena.
  參與中科院計劃鼓勵候選人參與藝術追求,體育和社區服務工作。 課程培養學生的感知和欣賞的生活超出了學術領域。
IB Diploma Programme Courses
  Candidates who study and are assessed for subjects, but choose not to take the entire IB Diploma, are referred to as Diploma Programme Course Candidates (“DP Course Candidates”). The subjects chosen are referred to as DP courses and may include the core requirements of theory of knowledge, the extended essay and/ or completion of a CAS programme. DP Course Candidates receive Diploma Programme Course Results (DP Course Results). The grades for theory of knowledge and the extended essay will be recorded on the DP Course Results and the completion of CAS, if appropriate.
  候選人為研究和評估對象,但選擇不把整個IB文憑,被稱為文憑課程計劃候選人(DP課程候選人)。 選擇的對象被稱為DP課程和可能包括理論知識的核心需求,擴展的文章和/或完成中科院計劃。 DP課程候選人獲得文憑計劃課程(DP課程結果)結果。 的等級理論知識和擴展的文章將被記錄在DP結果和中科院的完成,如果合適。
  More specifically, Diploma Programme Course candidates may choose to be registered for:
  one, two or all three of the core elements only
  one, two or all three of the core elements and one or more subjects
  one or more subjects with no core elements.
  With regards to DP core requirements, a DP Course Candidate may register for more than one extended essay in the same session. An IB Diploma Candidate may register for a second extended essay as a DP Course Candidate, if this is required for exceptional reasons. No candidate, regardless of their registration category, is permitted to register for theory of knowledge or the CAS programme more than once in the same session.
  至于DP核心需求,DP課程候選人可以注冊多個擴展的文章在同一個會話。 IB文憑候選人可能注冊二個長篇散文DP候選人,如果這是所需的特殊原因。 沒有候選人,無論他們的注冊類別,允許注冊的理論知識或中科院項目不止一次在同一個會話。
Any subject or core requirement taken by a DP Course Candidate cannot subsequently contribute to the award of an IB Diploma.
The regulations and procedures that apply to IB Diploma Candidates in respect of theory of knowledge, the extended essay and CAS, also apply to DP Course Candidates.
BISS High School Diploma

  The BISS High School Diploma is a two-year programme, primarily aimed at students aged 16 to 19. It leads to a qualification that is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities since our school is accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS), the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), the National Centre for Curriculum and Textbook Development (NCCT) and the Ministry of Education of China. The International Baccalaureate (IB) has also granted BISS authorisation to offer the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP). 
  bis高中文憑是一個為期兩年的項目,主要針對16歲至19歲的學生。 它會導致資格所公認的世界領先的大學以來我們學校認可的國際學校理事會(CIS),西方的學校和大學協會(WASC),國家課程與教材發展中心(NCCT)和中國的教育部。 國際學士學位(IB)也授予國際清算銀行授權提供小學項目(PYP),中年計劃(項目)和 文憑課程(DP) 。
  The curriculum contains six subject groups together with the respective IB Diploma programme core: creativity, activity, service (CAS); the research paper (RP); and theory of knowledge (TOK).
  Candidates for the BISS High School Diploma study six subjects selected from the respective IB Diploma programme subject groups. All subjects follow the IB Diploma programme curriculum at standard level (SL). All three parts of the core—research paper, theory of knowledge and creativity, activity, service—are compulsory and are central to the mission and values of the Beijing BISS International School as an IB World School:
  候選人bis高中文憑學習六個學科從各自的IB文憑課程主題中選擇組。 所有科目都遵循著IB文憑項目課程標準水平(SL)。 核心研究論文的所有三個部分,理論知識和創造力,活動,服務是強制性的,是北京的中心使命和價值觀bis世界國際學校作為IB學校:
  The research paper has a prescribed limit of 3,000 words. It offers the opportunity to investigate a topic of individual interest, and acquaints students with the independent research and writing skills expected at university.
  研究論文有規定限制3000字。 它提供了機會調查主題的個人興趣,并讓學生了解大學獨立研究和寫作技巧。
  The interdisciplinary theory of knowledge course is designed to provide coherence by exploring the nature of knowledge across disciplines, encouraging an appreciation of other perspectives.
  Participation in the CAS programme encourages candidates to be involved in artistic pursuits, sports, and community service work. The programme fosters students’ awareness and appreciation of life beyond the academic arena.
  參與中科院計劃鼓勵候選人參與藝術追求,體育和社區服務工作。 課程培養學生的感知和欣賞的生活超出了學術領域。
  All BISS High School Diploma students attend their chosen courses alongside their IB Diploma programme counterparts. In this way quality and accountability are assured.
  所有bis高中文憑學生參加他們選擇的課程與IB文憑項目同行。 以這種方式是保證質量和問責制。
Study in Grades 11 & 12 at BISS . . . An Advantage!
研究11 & 12年級國際清算銀行。 一個優勢!
During the October 2013 evaluation visit, conducted by the International Baccalaureate Organisation, our IB Diploma programme, and as such our School, was commended
  “for the culture it has developed that values and promotes understanding and respect for all stakeholders;
  for the importance it places on mother tongue languages, host country language, ESOL and language learning in general;
  for it provides an extensive selection of languages in Groups 1 and 2 courses, which reflects the needs of students as well as host country language and ESOL support and its commitment to language learning and
  for it developed the context to implement an inclusive programme with policies and practices that effectively support students with special needs.”
  However, we not only ensure academic excellence, but also cater for the needs of our students from a holistic perspective. Consequently, at BISS we
  然而,我們不僅確保學術,也迎合學生的需要從整體的角度來看。 因此,我們在國際清算銀行
  provide ideal class sizes, with approximately 10 to 15 students. This allows for more individual attention and guarantees that the learning needs of all our students are met;
  為理想的班級規模,提供大約10到15名學生。 這將允許更多的個人關注和保證滿足我們所有學生的學習需要;
  offer a friendly and safe environment in which to study.  We are a small school and all our students are personally known and individually valued as members of the community;
  提供一個友好的和安全的環境中學習。 我們是一個小的學校,我們所有的學生個人和個人價值被稱為社區成員;
  strive to respond to our students’ academic needs. Although, we are small school, our wide range of subject choices is testament to this. We are innovative and not afraid to take risks. If there is sufficient demand for a subject, we will do our best to accommodate it (see table below);
  努力對我們的學生的學術需求。 雖然,我們學校小,廣泛的主題選擇證明這一點。 我們是創新和敢于冒險。 如果有足夠的需求的一個主題,我們將盡力適應它(見下表);
  have a proven record of success at the IB Diploma for over 10 years. Our average IB grade has always been way above the world average and our students have gained entrance to some of the most prestigious universities in the world such as Columbia University NY, Boston University MA, Johns Hopkins University MD, University of London, University of Edinburgh, University of Bristol, Warwick University, Peking University, Hong Kong University, National University of Singapore, Waseda University, Seoul National University, Monash University, etc.;
  有證明的成功記錄IB文憑10多年了。 平均IB成績一直高于世界平均水平和我們的學生獲得了進入世界上一些知名的大學如紐約哥倫比亞大學,波士頓大學,約翰霍普金斯大學的醫學博士,倫敦大學,愛丁堡大學,布里斯托大學,華威大學,北京大學,香港大學,新加坡國立大學、早稻田大學、首爾國立大學,莫納什大學,  等;
  are proud of our dedicated and highly experienced and qualified teachers, who have all been trained to teach the IB Diploma programme and quite a few of them are trained IB examiners, in their area of expertise;
understand the need to improve constantly and as such we continuously monitor and evaluate what we offer, in accordance to changes made by our accrediting bodies and current research in education and
  constantly seek your input because we, as well as you, are here for the same reason to “educate and empower our students to attain personal excellence and positively impact the world.” This is not only our mission, but also your vision for the future. From all of us then to all of you, thank you for entrusting us with your student’s future; a task we cherish and honour for 20 years now!
  不斷尋求您的輸入,因為我們和你一樣,在這里為了同樣的理由“教育和讓我們的學生獲得個人卓越和積極影響世界。 “這不僅是我們的使命,也是你未來的愿景。 我們大家,感謝您委托我們與你的學生的未來,一個任務現在20年來我們珍惜和榮譽!



免責聲明: 1. 為方便家長更好的閱讀和理解,該頁面關于學校信息描述可能采用了學校視角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我們”、“我校”等第一人稱指代學校本身。并不代表遠播公司或其觀點;2. 此網頁內容目的在于提供信息參考,來源于網絡公開內容,具體以學校官方發布為主;3. 若素材有侵權或其他問題,請聯系我們:2787266480@qq.com





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