報名須知 Application Notice
School Admissions Calendar 2017-2018
Dulwich International High School Suzhou accepts Chinese and foreign school-age students.
Students from any country, including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan can attend the entrance exam.
報名條件和要求 Conditions and requirement of application
Age:Students must be at least 14 years old before enrolling.
Enrollment requirement:Students must sit our school’s entrance exam and meet the admissions criteria.
Term requirement:We only accept students who enroll in fall. We do not accept students who want to transfer in halfway through the school year.
Note: students who already have IGCSE exam scores or have taken other international courses will be evaluated separately.
入學考試報名方式 How to apply for the entrance exam
入學考試報名截止日期 Deadline for applying for the entrance exam
If seats are available, the deadline to apply for the entrance exam is 10 working days before the exam.
更改考試日期規定 Rules for changing your exam date
If you want to change the date of your exam, please email our admissions office at least 10 working days before the exam date. After the deadline, our school will not accept any date change. Each student only has one chance to change the exam date.
退費規定 Rules for Obtaining Refunds
If the candidates successfully apply for the entrance exam or re-sit, we will not accept any requests for a refund.
關于中考 About zhongkao
Year 9 students need to provide a zhongkao transcript. Our school will keep a copy of the transcript on file and it will become one of the references for grouping students into English and Mathematics sets.
免責聲明: 1. 為方便家長更好的閱讀和理解,該頁面關于學校信息描述可能采用了學校視角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我們”、“我?!钡鹊谝蝗朔Q指代學校本身。并不代表遠播公司或其觀點;2. 此網頁內容目的在于提供信息參考,來源于網絡公開內容,具體以學校官方發布為主;3. 若素材有侵權或其他問題,請聯系我們:2787266480@qq.com