福州西湖國際學校眾多的國際教育人才及教育資源,我校專門設立了國際留學項目部,由我校擁有35年教學經驗的副校長Jeanne Sobo女士專項負責,為家長和學生推薦精品學校擇校項目,并與每一位入選該項目的學生及其家長,一同探討并制定適合學生自己的學校擇校計劃。
FLIS International Program Department led by school’s academic vice-principal Ms. Jeanne Sobo, who has more than 25-years teaching experience, is committed to provide trustworthy international schools transfer service for students and parents. We‘ll make plans for every students engaged in this program after discussion with them and their parents. The international program we recommended would be competitive and appropriate for the student.
Introduction of 2017 Famous schools transfer program in FLIS
Target Enrollment: G8, G9, G10 students in and around our school
In this program, FLIS and GEDA ARK Education Institution will join together to provide an express entry for international and Chinese students. Students who are over 16 years old can transfer to GRC for further study without requirement of TOEFL and IELTS test.
FLIS 8-10年級入學(完成精品英語強化課程+美國部分高中學分) 直升→ 美國GRC綠河學院2+2項目(2年內獲得華盛頓州高中畢業證+大學前2年學分) 轉學→ 美國名牌大學(2年內獲得名牌大學畢業證)
FLIS G8-10(finish competitive ESL courses + part of high school credits) Transfer→ to GRC 2+2 program (get Washington high school diploma within 2 years + part of University credits) Transfer→ to Famous University (within two years to get bachelor degree)
2在西湖國際就讀年數(9、10年級階段學習)years study in FLIS(for G9, 10)
2在綠河學院就讀年數(11、12年級階段學習)years study in GRC(for G11, 12)
+ 2在名牌大學就讀的年數years study in famous university
= 6獲得名牌大學畢業證年數in total years get bachelor degree
屆時申請入學我校學校擇校項目的學生,將統一進行測試,測試成績需達到相應分數等級。 Students who apply this program will have the test first. Their scores should reach corresponding grade-level:
八年級:A1 Grade8 above A1
九年級:A2 Grade9 above A2
十年級:B1 Grade10 above B1
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