Fuzhou Lakeside International School (FLIS) is founded in 2012 to offer international education program from Preschool to Grade 12. It is the only international school examined and approved by the Fuzhou Ministry of Education. The school is authorized to accept foreign students and students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. FLIS employs foreign teachers who are predominantly certified in the U.S, U.K and Canada. All teaching staffs are required to hold valid teaching certifications and relevant professional degrees from highly recognized colleges and universities.
福州西湖國際學校(Fuzhou Lakeside International School)創建于2012年,是福建省教育廳審批的福州市唯一一所美式國際學校。學校目前開設有幼兒園、小學、初高中各年級,招收外籍、港、澳、臺國際學生。學校擁有三十多位專業外教和四十多位雙語教師組成的師資團隊,為學生營造全英文教學環境,打造國際化、現代化、個性化的國際學校。
辦學理念 Educational Mission
FLIS has developed a unique American curriculum in cooperation with Griggs International Academy that suits the particular needs of the modern global student, with specific focus on study and use of both academic and social English, exploring cultural awareness, and preparing for success as a global citizen.
FLIS will create students who achieve excellence through the integration of a challenging American curriculum, English environment, value based education and adherence to high standards of academics and behavior. We will maintain an environment which fosters responsibility, productive citizenship, and lifelong learning.
學術認證 Diploma and Certificate
Dual-diploma Students will receive a diploma recognizable both in China and in the U.S. GIA (Griggs International Academy) recognizes the importance of educational mission in the promotion of international collaboration, equality and increased contribution to the development of the world. GIA has established a global presence in over twenty countries in order to provide education, training, development, technology and the transfer and dissemination of knowledge. Our school is an affiliate of this network of over 8,000 schools and universities.
雙學籍 / 雙文憑
學生可獲頒中國教育部門及國際認可的美國畢業證書。 格里格斯國際學院(GIA)是全球第二大的文憑認證機構,擁有超過8000所各級院校組成的全球教育系統,跨越一個世紀的豐富教育經驗奠定了該機構成熟穩定且高效的學習體系,并得到了諸多聲名卓著的政府教育部門的認可。 美國格里格斯國際學院已正式認可并接受福州西湖國際學校為成員學校。通過格里格斯國際學院的文憑認證,我校的教育品質將在世界范圍內得到廣泛的認可。
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