In 1993, Chongqing Stilwell Foreign Language School was founded in commemoration of American General Stilwell and jointly operated by Chongqing Municipal Foreign Affairs Office and Sichuan International Studies University. It provides full-time schooling under the administration of Chongqing Municipal Commission of Education. The perfect teaching environment and rich educational resources have turned out thousands of qualified high school graduates since its establishment. As one of the largest and most successful organizations of Sino-American cultural exchange, Stilwell Foreign Language School has selected, cultivated and sent nearly one thousand of excellent Chinese high-school graduates to further study at dozens of well-known American universities as Cornell University, Virginia University, Wisconsin University, Washington University, Michigan University and etc
重慶史迪威外語學校怎么樣?重慶史迪威外語學校作為一所肩負國際交流重任的英語特色學校,不僅開設了初中、高中、中專等學歷教育,還相繼開辦了出國留學預科、高端英語培訓、Work and Travel大學生美國帶薪實習、中學生赴美學習交流等項目。建校以來,在上級主管部門的關懷支持下,學校辦學條件不斷改善,辦學實力大幅提升,憑借學校豐富的教育資源、良好的教學環境、雄厚的師資力量,為社會培養了數千名合格的初、高中及中專畢業生,選送了近千名中國較優中學生赴美國及英國、加拿大、澳大利亞等國知名大學深造,學校因之成為重慶市中美文化交流的重要窗口、中國西部地區國際教育新標桿。
Internationally, the former US Secretary of Defense William James Perry, diplomats from US Embassy and US Chengdu Consulate, Education Delegation from Seattle have paid frequent visits to our School. Domestically, Mr. Jialu Xu, the deputy Chairman of National People’s Congress and Mr. Hanqing Yu, the Chairman of Chongqing Municipal People’s Congress, made inspections to our school. Mr. Wang, the principal of the School, has been specially interviewed by Mr. Zhaoxing Li, the former minister of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Our preparatory courses for further higher education in the United States have scored substantial successes, enjoying good fame domestically and internationally. After 6 years of joint operation of the preparatory courses with Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing Bashu Middle School and Chongqing Foreign Language School, we have sent hundreds of Chinese students to further their higher education at well-known American universities. The Advanced English Training Center of Chongqing Stilwell Foreign Language School introduces 1 to 1 teaching method to ensure successful effect. Jointly launched by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and U.S. Press Administration, the Cultural Exchange Program of High School Students together with the Work & Travel Program of College Students provide hundreds of excellent Chinese high school and college students with opportunities to make paid travel to the United States, where they can work and experience American life. In the light of our instruction, a great number of students have been admitted to some top American universities.
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